Live LCA:
how we measure your products' emissions

Live LCA:
how we measure your products' emissions

Written by Carolina Duarte, Data Scientist

March 2, 2023

With the introduction of new regulations, we knew that hardware companies would be required to conduct Lifecycle Assessments (LCAs). However, LCAs lack the real-time element, are not being actively revisited, and fail to capture the dynamism of circular business models. As a result, HaaS businesses struggle making decisions from these documents.

Measuring your HaaS business emissions has the power to provide benefits beyond just influencing product decisions. For example, it can open up new financing opportunities and influence customers' purchasing decisions. Currently, HaaS businesses cannot access green sustainable finance products due to their inability to share an accurate real-time view of their impact. Additionally, as more customers prioritise sustainable brands, they are demanding evidence of reduced environmental impact from the products they choose.

To address this, we partnered with Systemiq, a sustainability consultancy, to build a way for hardware companies to report on scope emissions and other metrics throughout their assets' lifecycle – from build, use, to end of life.






You can only manage what you measure, and you can only measure if you collect data.

Collecting data is not only important for external transparency, but also helps our customers make decisions on improvements to their products, service, and the overall business.

We partner with our customers to help them collect and make sense of their data.



Our Build Phase insights provide you with valuable data to make informed decisions on how to improve emissions at both the component and assembly level. By analysing the data, you can identify areas that need attention and implement changes that will have a positive impact on the environment.


Data required:

  • Production details

  • Materials used

  • Material form (virgin or recycled)

Data required:

  • Production details

  • Materials used

  • Material form (virgin or recycled)

Data required:

  • Production details

  • Materials used

  • Material form (virgin or recycled)


Data required:

  • kWh consumed

  • Energy mix

Using information on product assembly emissions, you can identify which product batches incurred the lowest levels of emissions – either due to assembly practices, or the types of components that were used. Adopt identified best practices to reduce your scope 1 and 2 emissions.



With our Use phase insights, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your service's environmental impact. This includes analysing emissions throughout various stages of your service, such as charging, distribution, and servicing.


Data required:

  • Battery consumed

  • Battery capacity

  • Location / date emission factor


Data required:

  • Km driven

  • Fuel efficiency

  • Components replaced


Data required:

  • Km driven

  • Fuel efficiency


Data required

  • kWh consumed

  • Energy mix

  • % facility emissions attributable to asset

Collecting use phase data can help you measure component performance in various use cases, such as based on locations or customer types. With this information, you can begin to identify whether or not the components you use match their expected lifetimes, and make informed decisions on which components to source moving forward.

Charging emissions case study

Twist definition

Battery consumed

Battery capacity

Location / date emission factor

benchmark definition

benchmark definition


Fixed energy efficiency

Fixed emission factor


Estimate battery consumption from asset SOC over time using advance machine learning techniques

Energy consumption does not depend solely on utility
Example: driving straight or uphill requires different amounts of energy

Focus on battery usage better captures the differences in above mentioned conditions, user behaviour, or asset performance

Provide utility per charge for each asset (ex: km per charge) based on utility and battery consumption

Average energy efficiency provides limited information

Energy efficiency per asset allows to understand fleet performance and contributing factors

Estimate asset location daily based on IoT geo information to pick the most precise grid emission factor

Average emission factors decrease accuracy of estimations

Emissions factors per location and date increases accuracy of estimations


of life

End of life

Our End-of-Life insights allow you to track the recycling process of components and materials. You can use this data to inform future decisions about materials and processes, such as identifying which materials are better suited for a specific product, how to dispose of them responsibly, or find a different use for them.


Data needed:

  • # Components disposed

  • Disposal emissions per component


Data needed:

  • Net emissions for recycling per component

  • Kg of material recycled

  • Emissions avoided through recycling


Data needed:

  • Net emissions for remanufacturing per component

Identify changes to materials, components or design that can lead to a better new version of your product in the build phase, thus completing the loop

Ready to get started?